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[] Access Azure from HCP Terraform with OIDC federation

·153 words·1 min
Terraform Hashicorp Azure

Storing long-lived Azure credentials poses a security risk. While HCP Terraform secures sensitive credentials as write-only variables, you must audit the usage of long-lived credentials to detect if they are compromised. Many organizations have a policy to block these types of credentials.

A more secure and better alternative is available for authentication: dynamic provider credentials on HCP Terraform. This feature allows Terraform to authenticate to Azure as a service principal through a native OpenID Connect (OIDC) integration. HCP Terraform obtains temporary credentials for each run, and discards the credentials when the run completes. These credentials allow you to call Azure APIs that the service principal has access to at runtime. These credentials are short-lived by design, so their usefulness to an attacker is limited.

In this blog post, we’ll explore dynamic credentials for Azure and walk you through the required steps to set this up for yourself.

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Mattias Fjellström
Mattias Fjellström
Cloud architect · Author · HashiCorp Ambassador