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A Comprehensive Guide to Testing in Terraform: Keep your tests, validations, checks, and policies in order

·5480 words·26 mins
Hashicorp Terraform Testing Test Policy Sentinel
This post discusses testing and validation for infrastructure-as-code (IaC) with HashiCorp Terraform. The insights and ideas presented here can surely be extended to IaC in general.


With the release of the new testing framework for Terraform 1.6 presented at HashiConf 2023 in San Francisco1, there is now the possibility to test your Terraform configurations using Terraform itself.

Testing IaC has always been a pain point. If you have been using IaC for any amount of time you may know that the only true test is to run terraform apply and see what happens. Test frameworks for IaC come and go, some are more successful than others. My belief is that there is no mock that will ever give you enough confidence that your IaC will behave as intended2. For this reason I am glad the new test framework in Terraform does exactly that, it runs plan and apply commands for you, and it creates actual infrastructure.

But wait, there is more! The new testing framework is declarative, meaning that you write tests using the same language that you use for the rest of your infrastructure in Terraform. There is no need to install a third-party tool to keep track of, or to learn a new language.

The new testing framework is not your only option when it comes to testing and validating your infrastructure with Terraform. Terraform 1.5 introduced the concept of checks together with the new check block. Checks allow you to validate your infrastructure outside of the usual resource lifecycle. If you are using Terraform Cloud you can even set up continuous validations to regularly verify custom assertions. This post will not focus on Terraform Cloud, instead I will focus on what you can do with Terraform locally3.

Going even further back in time, Terraform introduced custom conditions for validating input variables, output values, and running validation checks at given points in a resource lifecycle. This is another way to test parts of your infrastructure directly in Terraform. Custom validation of input variables allow you to check that the provided input value fulfils given constraints. These constrains could be to limit the length of a supplied string to less than ten characters, or to restrict the allowed values of a variable to a predefined list of values. Resources and data sources have the lifecycle block where you can add precondition and postcondition blocks to validate things before, and after, running an apply, respectively. Similarly, you can add precondition blocks to your output blocks, to validate something about the output value.

With all the above mentioned options for testing and validation you can create robust and well-tested Terraform configurations and modules.

There is a related concept to testing that you should also consider using. I am talking about policies, and policy-as-code. It does not make sense to write tests for all the properties of every resource in your modules, because most properties have no designated wrong values that you need to test for. However, there are insecure or incompliant values for properties that your organization might not allow. Besides, maybe you allow insecure property values in your development environments but not in your production environments. Instead of having to write separate test files or custom validations depending on what environment you are testing, you should instead use policies.

In this blog post I will introduce each of the concepts discussed above through examples in Terraform. I will also discuss the important question of when you should use a given approach: a test, a check, a custom condition, or a policy.

All the source code from this post is available at my GitHub repo:

Using Terraform for testing and validation

This section will introduce each of the concepts discussed above, and in the following section I will go through two example Terraform configuration and include tests, checks, custom conditions, and policies, where appropriate.

CLI validation command

Let’s start at the beginning.

When you design your test and validation strategy you can choose how deep into the rabbit hole you want to go.

If you are constrained on time but would like to include basic validation of your Terraform configuration, you can use the terraform validate command. This command captures trivial mistakes in your configuration, like typos in resource properties and erroneous syntax in your HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL).

During development of your Terraform configuration it is a sensible step to run terraform validate often4. You might think that trivial mistakes like typos would be caught by your editor, but you would be surprised by how many mistakes can slip by. HashiCorp recently announced better support for editors like VS Code, so things are getting better in this area.

A good rule of thumb is that your deployment pipeline should never fail on the terraform validate command. You should catch these errors during development. However, your pipeline should definitely include the terraform validate command, because we all do make mistakes and forget things!

Note that terraform init also captures some basic mistakes in your configuration. This include things like using an invalid version number for a given provider.

Custom conditions

There are three kinds of custom conditions to discuss. The first custom condition is for variable validation.

We want to catch errors as soon as possible. If our modules include variable blocks, we would be naive to assume the user will only provide sensible values as input to these variables. Erroneous input values will most likely result in errors later in the plan or apply phases. The worst possible type of error is when a bad input value results in a failed apply 45 minutes into the operation.

How do we mitigate this?

The solution is to add validation blocks nested inside of our variable blocks:

variable "name_prefix" {
    type = string

    validation {
        condition     = length(var.name_prefix) <= 20
        error_message = "Variable length should be 20 characters or less"

A validation block has no label, and it takes two arguments:

  • A condition which is a boolean expression that evaluates to true or false to indicate if the validation succeeded or failed.
  • An error_message that is presented to the user if the validation fails.

Now, let us move on to the second kind of custom condition.

We can include validations that run before or after changes are applied to a resource, or after a data source is read. We do this by including an appropriate precondition or postcondition block nested inside of a lifecycle block in our resource or data source.

An example of what this looks like:

// read an existing Azure resource group
data "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" {
  name = "rg-storage-resource-group"

// create a new Azure storage account in the resource group
resource "azurerm_storage_account" "stg" {
  name                     = "stsamplestorage"
  resource_group_name      =
  location                 = data.azurerm_resource_group.rg.location
  access_tier              = "Hot"
  account_replication_type = "LRS"
  account_tier             = "Standard"

  lifecycle {
    precondition {
      condition     = data.azurerm_resource_group.rg.managed_by == "terraform"
      error_message = "Resource group must be managed by Terraform!"

Similar to the validation block for variables, both the precondition and postcondition blocks takes two arguments: a condition and an error_message.

In the previous code snippet I declare a data source where I read an existing resource group from Azure (azurerm_resource_group). I then would like to create a new storage account in the resource group, but only if the precondition validation of the resource lifecycle passes.

In the precondition block I check that the managed_by property of the resource group is set to the value terraform. If the managed_by property has any other value, the condition will evaluate to false and the precondition fails. The operation will halt and the error_message is displayed to the user in the console.

The third, and last, custom condition to discuss is for output validation. We can add a precondition block nested inside of our output blocks. This allows us to verify something that the output depends on. This could be used to avoid outputting values from the output block into our state file and in our logs when the value would not be useful. Personally I think this custom condition has less obvious usecases, and I have not used it for anything myself.

The precondition block inside of the output block looks the same as for resources, it has one condition argument and one error_message argument.

An example of what a custom condition of outputs look like:

output "website_endpoint" {
  value = azurerm_storage_account.stg.primary_web_endpoint

  precondition {
    condition     = startswith(azurerm_storage_account.stg.primary_web_endpoint, "https://")
    error_message = "Website URL uses HTTP, you should instead configure HTTPS"

This custom condition checks that a website deployed to an Azure storage account exposes a website URL starting with https://, and if this is not the case an error message is raised and the deployment fails.

Test framework

The Terraform test framework is new since Terraform 1.6. It was release a few days before HashiConf 2023 in San Francisco, and I believe it is a welcome change to Terraform.

Tests are written using HCL, so you do not need to learn a new language in order to test your IaC. Test files use the .tftest.hcl file ending.

By default, all test files stored in the same directory as your module, or stored in a tests directory, are run when you issue the new terraform test command. If you place your tests in a different directory you can add the -test-directory=path/to/my/test/directory flag to the command.

With all the necessary details out of the way, a typical setup of a simple module with tests could look like this:

$ tree .
└── tests
    ├── testfile1.tftest.hcl
    ├── testfile2.tftest.hcl
    └── testfile3.tftest.hcl

A test file consists of one or more run blocks. Each run block should be thought of as a test. A run block includes a number of arguments and blocks to configure what the test should do. Each test executes a command, which is either plan or apply. If you do not specify the command argument it defaults to apply.

An example of what a run block looks like:

// tests/main.tftest.hcl
run "file_contents_should_be_valid_json" {
  command = plan

  assert {
    condition     = try(jsondecode(local_file.config.content), null) != null
    error_message = "The file is not valid JSON"

The run block label should use a descriptive name to explain what the test is about. In this case I have set the label to file_contents_should_be_valid_json to indicate that this tests validates that the content of a file that is produced by Terraform contains valid JSON content. The test runs a plan as indicated by the command argument. The meat of the test is in the assert statement. The condition argument evaluates to true or false, which results in the test passing or failing, respectively.

Note that you can add additional assert blocks to make several assertions in the same test. It is also possible to not use any assert block, but instead use the expect_failures argument where you can indicate if you expect the plan or apply to fail, and if so what will make it fail. Further down in this post I will show examples of what this looks like.


The concept of checks together with the check block was introduced in Terraform 1.5 and serve a purpose similar to custom validations for resources and data sources, but with one important difference. The check block is ideal for validations you want to make that should not stop a plan and apply from finishing. If a check fails the deployment will still continue. You will get a warning in the output indicating that the check failed.

A check block can include at most one scoped data block, and one or more assert blocks. Each assert block has a condition that evaluates to true or false, and an error_message that is displayed if the assertion fails. The purpose of the scoped data block is to read data about a resource, or perhaps an external website, that you want to include in the check.

Imagine that our Terraform configuration sets up a publicly available website (among other things), and we would like to check that the website responds to requests after it is set up. This is an ideal situation for a check block. An example of what this might look like:

module "website" {
  source = "./modules/web"

  // ... the rest of the arguments are left out for brevity

check "validate_website_response" {
  data "http" "static_website" {
    url =

  assert {
    condition     = data.http.static_website.status_code == 200
    error_message = "The website returned an unhealthy status code"

The main differences between check blocks and custom conditions for resources and data sources is that the latter is tied to the lifecycle (hence they are part of the lifecycle block) of the resource or data source, while check blocks are not. Also, check blocks do not fail an apply if the assert evaluates to false, while custom conditions for resources and data sources do.

This makes check blocks useful for continuous validation in Terraform Cloud. Continuous validation specifically runs the check blocks in your configuration on a schedule. This could be useful for basic health checks for your infrastructure.


Policies are closely related to tests, but they serve a different purpose.

There are two popular frameworks for policy-as-code that works well with Terraform, and they are both available in Terraform Cloud.

The first framework is the Open Policy Agent (OPA) together with its Rego language for policies, it has risen in popularity in recent years and is used for many types of policies. The second framework is HashiCorp Sentinel, which uses HCL. In this post I will use Sentinel, since it is most closely related to HashiCorp and Terraform and in my opinion it is also a little bit easier to learn.

The purpose of policies with Terraform is to validate that the changes you are introducing follow rules defined by you or your organization. These rules are most likely related to compliance or security.

An example of a Sentinel policy document is this:

import "tfplan/v2" as tfplan

// filter out all storage containers
containers = filter tfplan.resource_changes as _, c {
	c.type is "azurerm_storage_container"

// filter out containers that are created or updated
createdOrUpdated = filter containers as _, c {
	c.change.actions contains "create" or c.change.actions is ["update"]

// make sure each container has an access type set to private
main = rule {
	all createdOrUpdated as _, containers {
		containers.change.after.container_access_type is "private"

The first time you see a Sentinel policy you might get puzzled at what it does. This post is not about explaining the syntax of Sentinel, the comments in the code snippet should be explanation enough. In essence, Sentinel takes the JSON-representation of a Terraform plan file from a terraform plan command, and searches for something specific in the plan, and finally evaluates the rule named main that is either true or false. If the rule evaluates to true the change is allowed by the policy.

In the policy example above I first apply a filter to find all the resources of type azurerm_storage_container, then I have another filter to find all the containers where the planned actions are create or update. Finally, I have my rule named main that checks that the container_access_type property is set to private for the containers that I have filtered out. If one or more containers has set container_access_type to something other than private, then this policy evaluation will fail, and I should not allow the change to be deployed.

The trick to learn how to write policies is to make sure you have a plan file in JSON format available, then you know what to look for and what all the fields are named. It also helps to start with an existing example and modify it to your needs.

You should run all your policies against each planned change to make sure you are not introducing anything that violates your compliance and security rules.

Applying testing and validation in the real world

In this section I want to go through two small sample Terraform configurations, and use the different options from above to test and validate the code. In the first sample I take on the role as a module developer, crafting a module for other developers to use. In the second sample I imagine I am part of a standalone team building infrastructure for our own applications.

Sample 1: Module producer

In this sample we are producers of a simple module that other teams in our organization will use in their own infrastructure. Many teams depend on our module, so we must make sure we test it thoroughly. The sample configuration might be a bit contrived, but bear with me!

The module we have produced takes three inputs, it creates a local file containing some JSON data, and it outputs the file content in base64 encoded format. This configuration file is part of a larger infrastructure where the file will be used to configure a separate system (not included in this sample). The system has constraints about the configuration file that must be respected. These constraints might be that the JSON file should be valid, it should include certain fields, and it must be at most a given size.

Our module has the following directory structure:

$ tree .
├── tests
│   └── main.tftest.hcl

1 directories, 4 files

The first file we will look at is

variable "config_url" {
  type = string

  validation {
    condition     = startswith(var.config_url, "https://")
    error_message = "config_url should start with https://"

variable "port" {
  type = number

  validation {
    condition     = var.port > 1023 && var.port <= 65535
    error_message = "Use an unprivileged port number (1024-65535)"

variable "service_name" {
  type = string

There are three variables defined: config_url, port, and service_name.

Exactly what these variables mean in a larger context is out of scope but we imagine they are important! A brief description of what we do know:

  • config_url should be a valid URL. Currently the condition in the validation block makes sure that the URL starts with https://. We could change this condition to compare the provided value with a regex describing a valid URL if we want to. For simplicity I have left the validation as it is.
  • port should be a valid port number. The condition in the validation block checks that the user has provided un unprivileged port in the range 1024-65535.
  • service_name is the name of a service of some kind. Currently there is no validation of this variable, this means we have no known restrictions of the value the user can supply. This is a common situation in the real world, where we might not always know what to allow or not.

Next we take a look at

terraform {
  required_providers {
    local = {
      source  = "hashicorp/local"
      version = "2.4.0"

resource "local_file" "config" {
  filename = "config.json"
  content  = <<EOF
    "endpoint": "${var.config_url}",
    "port": "${var.port}",
    "service": "${var.service_name}"

This simple Terraform configuration specifies one required provider, the local provider. It creates one resource of type local_file. This resource is the configuration file that we are creating. The content argument of the file is constructed as JSON, using the three supplied variables.

Next we look at

output "file_content_base64" {
  value = base64encode(local_file.config.content)

  precondition {
    condition     = length(base64encode(local_file.config.content)) < 150
    error_message = "Config file is too large."

A single output block is defined. The value argument is the base64-encoded value of the file content. There is a specific restriction on the length of this base64-encoded value, it can be at most 149 characters long. Don’t ask me why, only the system knows. We use a precondition block to verify that the size restriction is fulfilled.

Could we have validated our variables in some way to avoid the precondition block for the output value? The problem is that the size of the JSON file depends on all three variables, and currently the service_name variable has no restrictions on its own. The config_url variable could also be almost any length. In this case it makes sense to check the size of the generated JSON as a precondition in the output instead.

When it comes to testing this module we should explicitly test the interface we are exposing. What is included in the interface of this module? It is the following:

  • The three variables config_url, port, and service_name.
  • The generated JSON-file config.json.
  • The output file_content_base64.

These are the things that a user of our module will see and interact with.

Below I will discuss one test at a time, all the tests I show are part of the file named tests/main.tftest.hcl. The first test I write is for the config_url variable:

// tests/main.tftest.hcl
variables {
  config_url   = ""
  port         = 1414
  service_name = "my-service"

run "bad_input_url_should_fail" {
  command = plan

  variables {
    config_url = ""

  expect_failures = [

The variables block defined in the root of the file provides default values for all the variables. These can be overridden in each test if desired. For this test I override the config_url variable inside of the run block with a URL starting with http://, which I expect should not be allowed. For this particular test I am not using an assert block to assert something about the test outcome, instead I use the expect_failures argument to tell this test that I expect it to fail, and I expect that the variable named config_url will be the reason for the failure.

The next test is a similar test but for the variable named port:

// ... continuation of tests/main.tftest.hcl

run "bad_input_port_should_fail" {
  command = plan

  variables {
    port = 80

  expect_failures = [

This test overrides the port variable with a value of 80. This is a privileged port, so I expect it will not be allowed. Once again I use the expect_failures argument to tell the test I expect it to fail and that the variable named port will be the reason for the failure. Note that to be thorough I should add a test that makes sure I can’t provide a port number larger than 65535 but I will skip it for brevity.

As discussed above there is no wrong input value for the last variable named service_name. So there is no good test we can write for it. However, in the next test we will use the service_name variable in order to make the size of the JSON content too big. This is a test for our output validation.

// ... continuation of tests/main.tftest.hcl

run "too_large_output_file_should_fail_deployment" {
  command = plan

  variables {
    service_name = "this-service-name-creates-a-too-big-file"

  expect_failures = [

This test overrides the service_name variable with a long name, and for the third time in a row I use the expect_failures argument to tell the test I expect it to fail on the output named file_content_base64.

The last test I have added for this module concerns the validity of the content of the JSON file. When you construct a JSON file inline of your Terraform configuration like this it is easy to make mistakes. A trailing comma or a missing colon would create a broken JSON file. A good test for this is:

// ... continuation of tests/main.tftest.hcl

run "file_contents_should_be_valid_json" {
  command = plan

  assert {
    condition     = try(jsondecode(local_file.config.content), null) != null
    error_message = "The file is not valid JSON"

This test uses the assert block. The condition argument uses the try(...) function. This function will select the first valid value from its list of arguments. The first argument in this function is jsondecode(local_file.config.content), which encodes the string content of the file as JSON. If this encoding fails, the try(...) function will instead select its second argument: null. The condition argument checks that the result of try(...) is not equal to null. If it is, the assertion fails and so does the test.

To run the tests we issue the new terraform test command:

$ terraform test
tests/main.tftest.hcl... in progress
  run "bad_input_url_should_fail"... pass
  run "bad_input_port_should_fail"... pass
  run "too_large_output_file_should_fail_deployment"... pass
  run "file_contents_should_be_valid_json"... pass
tests/main.tftest.hcl... tearing down
tests/main.tftest.hcl... pass

Success! 4 passed, 0 failed.

To see what a failing test looks like, let’s change the port number in the test named bad_input_port_should_fail to a valid number:

// ... temporary change in tests/main.tftest.hcl to trigger a failing test

run "bad_input_port_should_fail" {
  command = plan

  variables {
    port = 8080

  expect_failures = [

Rerunning the tests produces the following output:

$ terraform test
tests/main.tftest.hcl... in progress
  run "bad_input_url_should_fail"... pass
  run "bad_input_port_should_fail"... fail
│ Error: Missing expected failure
│   on tests/main.tftest.hcl line 27, in run "bad_input_port_should_fail":
│   27:     var.port
│ The checkable object, var.port, was expected to report an error but did not.
  run "too_large_output_file_should_fail_deployment"... skip
  run "file_contents_should_be_valid_json"... skip
tests/main.tftest.hcl... tearing down
tests/main.tftest.hcl... fail

Failure! 1 passed, 1 failed, 2 skipped.

There we have it. Four simple tests to validate that the interface of our module behaves as we intend it to do. During continued development of this module we would add additional tests when it makes sense.

This module included tests and validations, but no policies. Does it make sense to talk about policies during module development? Not really. As a module developer you are not sure in what context your module will be used, so it is unlikely the policies you add would make any sense to the user of your module.

Sample 2: Module consumer

In this sample we put ourselves in the shoes of a module consumer. In reality we might be both a module consumer and module producer at the same time, but in this case we imagine we are writing a Terraform configuration for our own application, and we are using a module provided for us by a platform team. To have a complete example to show I will include the web module as a local module, but note that this module could be hosted in an internal Terraform registry for our organization.

The file structure of this example configuration looks like the following:

$ tree .
├── index.html
├── modules
│   └── web
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └──
└── policies
    ├── policy.sentinel
    └── sentinel.hcl

4 directories, 9 files

I will not go into the details of the web module itself, the source code is available at the GitHub repo for this post. Our main concern is the file:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = "3.76.0"

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

module "website" {
  source = "./modules/web"
  providers = {
    azurerm = azurerm

  location           = "swedencentral"
  name_prefix        = "web531"
  index_file_content = file("index.html")

check "validate_website_response" {
  data "http" "static_website" {
    url =

  assert {
    condition     = data.http.static_website.status_code == 200
    error_message = "${data.http.static_website.url} returned an unhealthy status code"

  assert {
    condition     = data.http.static_website.response_headers["Content-Type"] == "text/html"
    error_message = "${data.http.static_website.url} returned a wrong content-type header"

  assert {
    condition     = strcontains(data.http.static_website.response_body, "Hello World")
    error_message = "${data.http.static_website.url} did not respond with expected content"

This configuration lists azurerm as a required provider. This provider is configured according to our teams specification, and then provided to the module. The module block takes three variables: location, name_prefix, and index_file_content. The website content is read from a local file index.html.

Apart from the module there is one large check block with the label validate_website_response. Our team has included this check block in order to verify a few basic things about the website we are creating. In the check block there is one nested data block that uses the http provider in order to send a GET request to our websites endpoint. The endpoint is read from the module output named web_endpoint. Following the data source there are three assert blocks:

  • The first assert block checks that the website responds with a 200 OK response code. If it does not it indicates that the website is not functioning correctly.
  • The second assert block checks that the content-type of the returned page is text/html. If it is not then the website will not be displayed correctly in a browser.
  • The third assert block checks that the returned content contains the string Hello World. If it foes not then the right content has not been uploaded.

Appropriate error_message arguments are included for each assert block.

Notice that our directory structure does not include any tests. This is because tests are primarily for module producers, and in this case we are consuming a module. We hope that the producers of the module we are using have included tests though!

Also notice that our team have decided to use a check block instead of precondition or postcondition blocks. This is because our team would like to have the possibility to set up continuous checks via Terraform Cloud. The team also decided that if these simple checks fail we don’t want to halt the terraform apply command, because in this case the website is not business critical. Remember that precondition and postcondition validations will halt the apply if they fail, but check blocks will only report a warning.

Looking back at the directory structure for this example we notice that we have included a policies directory. Currently there is a single policy document in this directory:

// policy.sentinel
import "tfplan/v2" as tfplan

// filter out storage accounts that are created or updated
storageAccounts = filter tfplan.resource_changes as _, resourceChange {
	resourceChange.type is "azurerm_storage_account" and
		(resourceChange.change.actions contains "create" or
			resourceChange.change.actions contains "update")

main = rule {
	all storageAccounts as _, storageAccount {
		storageAccount.change.after.public_network_access_enabled is false

This policy filters out all Azure storage accounts that are about to be created or updated, it then checks that the public_network_access_enabled is set to false. If it is not, the policy will fail. This policy should be run as part of Terraform Cloud or whatever deployment pipeline the team will be using.

To run the policy locally we have to perform the following steps:

$ terraform plan -out=tfplan
$ terraform show -json tfplan | jq > policies/plan.json
$ cd policies
$ sentinel apply policy.sentinel
Pass - policy.sentinel

Where to learn more

If you want to learn more about the topics presented in this post I suggest you head over to the official documentation. For your convenience I have gathered the relevant links:


We have seen that there are many options for testing and validating Terraform configuration, so that we can build robust modules and configurations that will stand the test of time.

The new testing framework is intended for module producers. Add tests to verify the behavior of your module interface: the variables, outputs, and any other externally visible behavior such as files.

For module consumers and general Terraform configurations there are plenty of validation options such as variable validation, output validation, lifecycle conditions in resources and data sources, as well as check blocks.

Let us summarize the different available options:

  • We run terraform init and terraform validate to check that the HCL we are writing follows proper syntax.
  • We use tests with run blocks to verify that our contract to our users, our module interfaces, work as intended.
  • We use variable validation blocks to verify that the input provided by users of our modules and configurations adhere to allowed values.
  • We use precondition and postcondition blocks in our resources and data sources to verify conditions before or after applying changes.
  • We use check blocks to verify external behavior outside of resource lifecycles, and could even set up continuous validations in Terraform Cloud.
  • We use policies with Sentinel or OPA to make sure the changes we are applying follow our organizations compliance and security requirements.

It will be interesting to see how the new test framework for Terraform evolves over time, and to see what tests people will be writing for their modules.

I hope this blog post has helped you starting to think about how to use tests and validations, as well as introducing policy-as-code, for your Terraform configurations!

  1. Actually, it was announced a few days before the conference. Why wait when you have something good to announce? ↩︎

  2. I challenge you all to tell me how a mock, or any other means of not running a real apply (or whatever term your IaC tool use) gives you confidence that your IaC will work as intended. ↩︎

  3. But I will mention Terraform Cloud a few times! ↩︎

  4. While you are at it, also run terraform fmt often. If you, like me, are using format-on-save in VS Code, then terraform fmt is superfluous. ↩︎

Mattias Fjellström
Mattias Fjellström
Cloud architect consultant and an HashiCorp Ambassador